Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Catch Up

There's quite a bit to catch you up on in my world. But, I am very sleepy right now so I'm telling Mom to hurry it up with the pictures so I can go night night. More pictures will follow soon, I promise. This is what's going Grandma Shauna came to visit me, which was a ton-o-fun! I'm sitting up now (mostly by myself). I went to So. Cal. with my Mom and Dad over the holiday weekend and had a ton more fun. I got to see so much family....even Aunt Kelly and cousin Jack came up to see me from San Diego, and I got to see both my Grandmas and two of my Grandpas. I was spoiled with love and attention!! Unitl next time....enjoy two of my pictures from turning 5 months old!!


Jen Kesler said...

Grady, you are so cute! I can't believe you are already sitting're growing way too fast!

Mary said...

Grady, happy 6 month birthday!

I miss you!